Zion & St. John’s
Church Fellowship Trip
August 4-10, 2025
If you are interested in traveling with us, you must register by March 31, 2025. A $300 minimum down payment per person is due March 31. Final payment is due June 16. Only 45 seats available. First come, first serve!..
Check one:
Single (1 per room) $1,785 per person = $1,785 total or $300 down
Double (2 per room) $1,280 per person = $2,560 total or $600 down
Triple (3 per room) $1,110 per person = $3,330 total or $900 down
Quad (4 per room) $1,025 per person = $4,100 total or $1,200 down
Make your check payable to: Zion Lutheran Church
Mail your payment to:
Zion Lutheran Church
316 Vine Street PO Box 145
Kingston, WI 53939
If choosing downpayment method today, we will invoice you with balance due in May 2025.